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Nootropics: What Are They & Where Do They Originate?

Nootropics: What Are They & Where Do They Originate?

Natalie Williams Natalie Williams
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Nootropics are substances or compounds that have a profound history. Piracetam, aniracetam, and modafinil are typical examples of nootropics. Due to less scientific evidence of these substances, their use is limited.

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Where Do Nootropics Originate?

Nootropics are derived from pharmacology and neuroscience. Corneliu E. Giurgea, a Romanian psychologist and chemist, coined the term "nootropic" to describe a new class of conventional compounds in the 1960s. Racetams were the first nootropics, a type of synthetic compound formed in the laboratory.

Many other types of nootropics have been developed and studied over the years, including natural compounds such as caffeine and omega-3 fatty acids and newer synthetic compounds.

History Of Nootropics

Dr. Giurgea and other researchers began experimenting with various chemicals in the 1960s and 1970s to see if they had profound effects. Piracetam was one of the first nootropics to be developed at that time.

More nootropics, such as aniracetam, oxiracetam, and phenylpiracetam, were developed in the 1980s and 1990s. These compounds are similar but more potent influencers as compared to piracetam.

These substances have grown in popularity over the years, particularly among students, entrepreneurs, and professionals for their personal use. There are numerous types of nootropics available today. Modafinil, Adderall, and Ritalin are some of the most well-known nootropics. However, it is important to note that many of these substances are not FDA-approved, and their long-term effects still need to be discovered.

Overall, the history of nootropics is ongoing, with new compounds and research being discovered regularly.

Naturally Occurring Nootropics 

  • Caffeine is a stimulant predominantly found in coffee, tea, and chocolate.
  •  An L-theanine is a class of amino acids found in green tea.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids, naturally found in fish and fish oil supplements
  • Bacopa Monnieri is considered an Ayurvedic substance found in nature.
  •  Panax Ginseng is another "adaptogenic" herb used by people for some controversial purposes.
  •  Rhodiola Rosea is also an adaptogenic herb.
  •  Phosphatidylserine is naturally found as a nutrient that aids in maintaining potent activities.
  •  Bacopa monnieri is a herb traditionally used as an ayurvedic influencer.
  •  Ginkgo biloba
  •  Lion's mane mushroom

It is important to note that the efficacy of natural nootropics varies depending on an individual's biochemistry and the specific supplement used. Before beginning any supplement regimen, always consult with a healthcare professional.

Synthetically Made Nootropics

Synthetic nootropics include the following:

     Racetams are a class of synthetic compounds that include piracetam, aniracetam, and oxiracetam.

     Piracetam is one of several racetam substances, including phenylpiracetam, aniracetam, and oxiracetam. Piracetam is the most commonly used and widely available (although not as open as in the past). Dr. Guirgea, the inventor of the term "nootropic," created it as a synthetic GABA-like substance.

     Modafinil, another laboratory-identified Nootropic, has shown profound improvement to past influences of this compound.

     Adrafinil is a stimulant that promotes wakefulness, alertness, and concentration. Adrafinil is a modafinil prodrug. It is converted into modafinil by the liver after it is metabolized.

     Noopept is another synthetic compound whose acting behavior is much similar to the racetam family but much more potent.

     Phenylpiracetam is a synthetic stimulant Nootropic with much better activity than other Nootropic forms.

It is noted that synthetic nootropics are frequently more potent and influential than natural nootropics. They may also interact with other compounds. Before taking synthetic nootropics, always consult a healthcare professional and be aware of potential effects and interactions.

What’s Best Among Natural And Synthetic Nootropics?

It is difficult to say whether natural or synthetic nootropics are superior because they depend on the user's specific goals and individual needs.

Caffeine, L-theanine, omega-3 fatty acids, and Bacopa Monnieri are natural nootropics thought to be safer and have fewer worsened behaviors than synthetic nootropics. They can be found in food and supplements and have been used as traditional substances for centuries.

Synthetic nootropics, such as racetams and modafinil, are considered more profound and widely used than natural nootropics. People are more familiar with synthetic substances nowadays; the same goes for synthetic nootropics. However, synthetic forms have more interactions than natural compounds.

It is critical to understand that nootropics are not magic pills and that not all nootropics work for everyone. It varies from person to person, depending on their lifestyle.

Ritalin Nootropics

Ritalin (methylphenidate) nootropic is a stimulant compound that works by increasing neurotransmitters in the brain, such as dopamine and norepinephrine, which can help improve attention and focus.

This nootropic has a slower but variable onset of action. It generally varies between 4 to 6 hours. It also depends upon the dose of the compound and the body’s mechanisms. However, if any of you started taking Ritalin as a supplement, start with a low amount. Focus on its possible results and then increase frequency as per your desire.

Adderall Nootropics

Adderall nootropic is a combination of two active ingredients such as amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. It is scientifically proven to be more potent than Ritalin and has a more prolonged action duration. Adderall is believed to have a faster onset of action and can last up to 12 hours.

Where Do Nootropics Majorly Use?

Students, professionals, and athletes are among those who use them to improve their daily life performance.

Nootropics, such as pills, powders, and supplements, come in various forms. The use of nootropics is becoming more popular among students and professionals who want to improve their academic or professional performance. Athletes who wish to improve their focus and reaction time also use them.

Furthermore, it is essential to note that the efficacy and safety of many nootropics are not well established, and thus, self-medicating with them is not recommended. Before taking any such types of enhancers, always consult with a medical professional.

Nootropics are available without a prescription in some countries but are classified as controlled substances in others. Before using nootropics, you should know their legal status in your country. Using nootropics is a personal choice after carefully considering the potential benefits and risks.

Can We Use Nootropics As Dietary Supplements?

Nootropics are a class of dietary supplements that claims to improve daily life functions, but the evidence for their use is limited and inconclusive. If you take other medications or have any underlying medical conditions, consult your doctor before using these supplements.

The FDA regulates dietary supplements as foods, not medications, and it does not have the same authority to do so as it does for prescription substances. As a result, dietary supplements may not show the same safety and efficacy standards as prescription medications.

Furthermore, there have been few long-term studies on the safety and efficacy of these supplements, and some may have side effects, mainly when used in extracts,  high doses, or combined with other substances.

What Does The FDA Say About Nootropics?

The FDA in the United States regulates the safety and efficacy of these substances and dietary supplements. The FDA has approved no synthetic nootropics as a safe and effective treatment for any medical condition.

Companies that market nootropics as a treatment or cure for any specific medical condition or that make unsupported claims about the safety or efficacy of these products have received warning letters from the FDA. Some nootropics marketers violate federal laws, such as making false or misleading product claims.

Most nootropics are not subject to FDA pre-market review or approval because they are dietary supplements. On the other hand, the FDA has the authority to take action against manufacturers who make false or misleading claims about their products.


Where do nootropics originate? What are they? Well, they are found naturally as well as synthetically made in laboratories. They are well-known dietary supplements used for enhancing daily life activities. Scroll up again for a deep study or if you missed any part.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are all nootropics effective?

A: Generally, no. The activity of nootropics depends on their frequencies and onset of actions. This varies for each individual.

Q:  What is the best nootropic supplement?

A: According to several kinds of research, Mind Lab Pro is the best nootropic supplement devoid of artificial color, additives, preservatives, gluten, and caffeine.

Q: How many nootropics have been discovered?

A: The number of nootropics discovered to date needs to be better defined and may be difficult to quantify. However, it is around 80 in number.

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